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Managing Anxiety During a Post-Miscarriage Pregnancy

Managing Anxiety During a Post-Miscarriage Pregnancy

A miscarriage is a tremendous loss that brings both grief and fear. When you become pregnant again, it’s natural to be on high alert to sensations that could signal another miscarriage. You may be so afraid of losing the baby that you can’t enjoy being pregnant, or feel guilty that you’re carrying another child.

While anxiety after miscarriage is normal, you and your new baby deserve to be happy and to enjoy all of the stages of gestation without constantly worrying about miscarriage. At OC Fertility in Newport Beach, California, our fertility experts Sharon Moayeri, MD, and Nidhee Sachdev, MD, help you have a healthy and uneventful pregnancy after miscarriage. 

If you’re feeling anxious, here are a few tips about how to manage your feelings.

Take comfort in facts

While it’s normal and understandable to be anxious and fearful about suffering another miscarriage, it’s not actually normal or usual to have one. In fact, just 1% of women who have a first miscarriage go on to have another. In other words, the fact that you had a miscarriage doesn’t mean you’ll have one again. In fact, you probably won’t.

Another important fact to know is that the term miscarriage itself is a misnomer. Most of the time, women don’t suffer the loss of a pregnancy because their body can’t “carry” a baby. Although in some instances, a weak cervix that actually does make it difficult to carry a baby to term without treatment, that’s relatively rare.

Up to 50% of the time, a spontaneous abortion (aka miscarriage) occurs because the fetus itself is abnormal and can’t develop into a baby because of chromosome problems. You have no control over chromosomal abnormalities. However, you and your partner can undergo chromosome testing and genetic screening to determine your risks.

The other most common reasons for miscarriage include underlying medical conditions, or exposure to toxins or stressors. Cutting out smoking, alcohol, and recreational drugs, as well as adopting a healthy lifestyle are a few steps you can take to reduce your risk for miscarriage.

Baby your body

One way to manage your anxiety about another miscarriage is to take your own symptoms seriously. Just as you’d calm and soothe and anxious baby, take time to soothe and calm your anxiety. Carve out time every day so that you can:

If possible, schedule a regular massage to alleviate anxiety, or ask your partner to give you one. Anything you can do to relax your body will also relax your mind, and vice versa.

Get all the support you need

After you’ve had a prior miscarriage, our team helps you plan for your next pregnancy to reduce the chances of a subsequent one. If you’re already pregnant, we offer intensive first-trimester monitoring, because most miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks. Every two weeks, you come in for:

These tests let you know that you’re baby’s developing normally, so you get the peace of mind you need. After the 12th week, we then refer you to a perinatologist or obstetrician.

If you’re anxious about your tests, feel free to bring your partner or a supportive friend to your exams. Ask us questions whenever you wish. You may also wish to have a therapist or counselor to help you manage your anxiety during this crucial period.

If you’re anxious about your new pregnancy or about becoming pregnant again after miscarriage, contact us today at 949-706-2229 for support and screening. You can also book an appointment online.

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