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Nourishing the Body for Enhanced Fertility in PCOS Patients

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects many women of reproductive age. One of the most challenging aspects of PCOS is its impact on fertility for many women. 

While receiving a PCOS diagnosis does not mean you will have fertility issues, it does put you at higher risk and can also create some other undesirable symptoms as well. 

There is no cure for PCOS, but by making strategic lifestyle choices, individuals with PCOS can improve their overall health and potentially increase their chances of conceiving. We’ve recently partnered with Sonia Ribas, an LA-based Fertility Coach with more than 14 years of nutritional experience, to answer some important questions regarding nutrition for PCOS patients.

Interview with Sonia Ribas

Hi Sonia! What is the first Recommendation you find yourself making for PCOS Clients? 

The first recommendation I typically make for clients with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is to focus on their diet and nutrition. A balanced and PCOS-friendly diet can have a significant impact on managing symptoms and improving fertility. It often involves reducing refined carbohydrates and sugars while increasing the intake of complex carbohydrates, fiber, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Additionally, I emphasize portion control and the importance of maintaining a stable blood sugar level.

Are there certain foods women with PCOS should consider avoiding?

For individuals with PCOS, it's important to limit or avoid foods that can exacerbate insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances. This includes highly processed foods, sugary beverages, excessive caffeine, and foods with a high glycemic index. Dairy and gluten are also items some individuals with PCOS may consider reducing, as they can be potential triggers for inflammation and digestive issues in some cases.

Have you recently noticed any particular health concerns with PCOS patinets that you’ve worked with?

Recently, I've observed that stress levels and mental health concerns among women with PCOS have become significant factors that can negatively impact their overall well-being and fertility. The emotional toll of managing PCOS, particularly when trying to conceive, can be challenging. Therefore, addressing stress management and providing emotional support is essential.

Are there particular concerns that you hear from your clients who have PCOS?

Clients with PCOS often express concerns related to irregular menstrual cycles, difficulties with weight management, hormonal imbalances, and the impact of PCOS on their fertility. Emotional concerns such as anxiety and depression due to these challenges are also common. Clients are often seeking guidance on how to alleviate these symptoms and improve their chances of conceiving.

How do you work with patients who are undergoing IVF or other fertility treatments? 

When working with PCOS patients undergoing fertility treatments like IVF, I adopt a comprehensive approach. I collaborate closely with fertility clinics to ensure that my clients are well-prepared for every stage of the IVF process and, together, we create the best plan to maximize the probabilities of success. This involves optimizing their overall health, reducing inflammation levels, addressing hormonal imbalances, and reducing stress to enhance the chances of a successful IVF cycle. I also provide emotional support throughout the treatment journey.

We want to thank Sonia Ribas for sharing her expertise with us and if you’re looking to learn more about the nutritional needs of PCOS patients, you can learn more about that on her website.

Learning more about PCOS and Its Impact on Fertility

PCOS can often present unique challenges for some women regarding fertility. While each person may experience different symptoms, it is common for women to struggle with irregular and absent periods, which can contribute to issues conceiving. 

If you have concerns about your fertility in relation to a PCOS diagnosis or you suspect you might have PCOS, we strongly encourage you to meet with a reproductive endocrinologist. This medical professional can help determine your fertility health and provide guidance in terms of the next steps if you are looking to grow your family. 

Here at OC Fertility, we often see patients who exhibit PCOS symptoms and work closely with these patients to ensure they receive the best care for their personal needs. If you’re ready to schedule a consult, you can call us at 949-706-2229 or click here.

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